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  • 다음달부터 달라지는 것들은..연방 250불 제동걸리나
  • AnyNews
    2024.11.26 11:12:16
  • 다음달부터 달라지는 규칙들을 알아봤습니다. 

    가장 먼저 연방정부의 GST와 HST 감면입니다. 

    지난주, 저스틴 트뤼도 연방총리가 발표한 식료품에 대한 GST와 HST 감면은 다음달 14일부터 내년 2월 15일까지 두 달 동안 이어집니다.  

    육아용품과 맥주, 와인, 사이다, 식료품, 책, 크리스마스 트리, 휴일용 장식품을 포함한 여러 필수품은 물론 레스토랑 식사와 테이크아웃에도 적용됩니다. 

    감면 제품에 대한 보다 더 자세한 내용은 얼TV 홈페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 

    모기지 규정은 완화됩니다.  

    오는 15일부터는 2012년 이후 처음으로 보험 모기지 한도가 기존 100만 달러에서 150만 달러로 조정돼 이들의 모기지 허용을 돕게 됩니다.    

    밀레니얼과 Z세대의 주택 소유에 대한 장벽을 제거하기 위한 방안으로, 동시에 첫 주택 구매자 이외에 모든 신규 주택 구매자의 30년 모기지 상환도 허용됩니다. 

    온타리오주에선 개인간병인에 대한 새로운 시스템이 도입됩니다. 

    다음달 1일부터 10만 여명의 개인간병인(PSW)은  건강 및 지원 치료 제공자 감독 기관(HSCPOA)에 등록할 수 있습니다.   

    환자와 가족의 신뢰를 지원하는 동시에 의료시스템 내 개인간병인의 역할을 강화하는 것으로, 등록한 간병인에게는 교육과 훈련이 제공되고, 신분증 배지 등도 주어질 예정입니다.   

    온주의 민사소송규칙도 변경됩니다. 

    12월 1일부터 재판이나 항소 또는 소송에서 사실이나 전문가 보고서를 제출하는 당사자는 서명이 들어간 진위 인증서를 함께 제출해야 합니다.

    이 인증서에는 당사자가 관련 문서에 인용된 모든 권한의 진위에 만족한다는 내용이 명시돼야 합니다. 

    한편, 연방 정부가 추진하는 250달러 수표 발송 계획이 연방 의회에서 통과되지 못한 채 난항에 처했습니다. 

    연방신민당과 블럭퀘백당 등은 지난해 일하고 연소득이 최대 15만달러 이하인 국민에게 뿐 아니라 적용 대상에서 제외된 노인과 장애인, 실업급여 수급자, 지난해 처음 일을 시작한 근로자까지의 확대를 요구하고 있습니다. 

    이에 자유당 정부는 부양책 통과를 위해 다른 정당의 지지가 필요한 만큼 적극적인 대화를 이어가고 있다고 밝혔지만 언제 제정될지에 대해선 언급하지 않았습니다. 

    [ GST/HST 면제 품목 ]
      • Children’s clothing: meaning garments (other than garments of a class that are used exclusively in sports or recreational activities, costumes, children’s diapers, or children’s footwear) that are:

      • Designed for babies, including baby bibs, bunting blankets and receiving blankets;

      • Children’s garments up to girls size 16 or boys size 20, according to the national standard applicable to the garments, and if no national standard applies to the children’s garments, girls or boys sizes extra small, small, medium, or large; or,

      • Hosiery or stretchy socks, hats, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders, or mittens and gloves in sizes and styles designed for children or babies.

      • Children’s footwear: meaning footwear (other than stockings, socks or similar footwear or footwear of a class that is used exclusively in sports or recreational activities) that is designed for babies or children and has an insole length of 24.25 centimetres or less.

      • Children’s diapers: meaning a product designed for babies or children and that is a diaper, a diaper insert or liner, a training pant, or a rubber pant designed for use in conjunction with any of those items.

      • Children’s car seats: meaning a restraint system or booster seat that conforms to the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213, 213.1, 213.2 or 213.5 under the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations.

      • Print newspapers: meaning print newspapers containing news, editorials, feature stories, or other information of interest to the general public that are published at regular intervals. They would not include electronic or digital publications. They would also exclude most fliers, inserts, magazines, periodicals, or shoppers.

      • Printed books: including a printed book or an update of such a book, an audio recording where 90 per cent or more of it is a spoken reading of a printed book, or a bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion. However, they would not include:

      • a magazine or periodical purchased individually, not through a subscription;

      • a magazine or periodical in which the printed space devoted to advertising is more than 5 per cent of the total printed space;

      • a brochure or pamphlet; 

      • a sales catalogue, a price list or advertising material;

      • a warranty booklet or an owner’s manual;

      • a book designed primarily for writing on;

      • a colouring book or a book designed primarily for drawing on or for affixing or inserting items such as clippings, pictures, coins, stamps, or stickers;

      • a cut-out book or a press-out book;

      • a program relating to an event or performance;

      • an agenda, calendar, syllabus or timetable;

      • a directory, an assemblage of charts or an assemblage of street or road maps (other than a guidebook or an atlas that consists in whole or in part of maps other than street or road maps);

      • a rate book; or,

      • an assemblage of blueprints, patterns, or stencils.

      • Christmas trees or similar decorative trees: whether natural or artificial.

      • Food or beverages: items for human consumption that are:

      • Alcoholic beverages (excluding spirits but including wine, beer, ciders, and spirit coolers up to 7 per cent ABV);

      • Carbonated beverages, non-carbonated fruit juice or fruit flavoured beverages or products that, when added to water, produce one of these beverages;

      • Candies; confectionery classed as candy or goods sold as candies (e.g., candy floss, chewing gum, and chocolate); fruits, seeds, nuts or popcorn coated or treated with candy, chocolate, honey, molasses, sugar, syrup, or artificial sweeteners;

      • Chips, crisps, puffs, curls, or sticks (e.g., potato chips, corn chips, cheese puffs, potato sticks, bacon crisps, and cheese curls), popcorn, brittle pretzels, and salted nuts or seeds;

      • Granola products and snack mixtures that contain cereals, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or other edible products;

      • Ice lollies, juice bars, ice waters, ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, frozen yoghurt or frozen pudding, including non-dairy substitutes;

      • Fruit bars, rolls or drops or similar fruit-based snack foods;

      • Cakes, muffins, pies, pastries, tarts, cookies, doughnuts, brownies, croissants with sweetened filling or coating (note that many bread products, such as bagels, English muffins, croissants, and bread rolls, are already zero-rated);

      • Pudding, including flavoured gelatine, mousse, flavoured whipped dessert product, or any other products similar to pudding;

      • Prepared salads, sandwiches, platters of cheese, cold cuts, fruit or vegetables, and other arrangements of prepared food;

      • Food or beverages heated for consumption;

      • Beverages dispensed at the place where they are sold;

      • Food or beverages sold in conjunction with catering services;

      • Food or beverages sold at an establishment where all or substantially all of the food or beverages sold are currently excluded from zero-rating (e.g., a restaurant, coffee shop, take-out outlet, pub, mobile canteen, lunch counter, or concession stand); and

      • Bottled water or unbottled water that is dispensed at a permanent establishment of the supplier.

      • Select children’s toys: a product that is designed for use by children under 14 years of age in learning or play and that is:

      • a board game or card game (e.g., a strategy board game, playing cards, or a matching/memory card game);

      • a toy that imitates another item (e.g., a doll house, a toy car or truck, a toy farm set, or an action figure);

      • a doll, plush toy or soft toy (e.g., a teddy bear); or,

      • a construction toy (e.g., building blocks, such as Lego, STEM assembly kits, or plasticine).

      • Jigsaw puzzles, for all ages.

      • Video-game consoles, controllers or physical game media (e.g., a video-game cartridge or disc).

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