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2020.09.09 23:19

Anti hair loss treatment

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What is Finpecia? Finpecia is a generic drug of propecia, one of two hair loss treatments recognized by the U.S. FDA.With the expiration of Propecia's patents, Finfecia has begun to be produced and is being exported to 170 countries as the most famous product of the Propecia Generic. Finfecia is classified as (component name Pinasteride) Type II 5α-reducing enzyme inhibitor and the mechanism of action can be used to treat hair loss by inhibiting the production of DHT (dihydro testosterone), the cause of AGA that inhibits Type II 5α-reducing enzyme. Hair grows and falls for a certain period of time, which is called AGA (the cycle of hair). inhibits the generation of DHT (dihydro testosterone) to return the cycle of hair to normal, thickening hair and slowing hair loss. pharmaceutical history of Finpecia Finpecia's pharmaceutical company is India's second largest pharmaceutical company called Cipla, which is higher than the combined sales of the top four Korean pharmaceutical companies based on sales. The reason why Finpecia is cheap The reason why Finpecia's price is overwhelmingly low is because it doesn't cost astronomical amounts of money to develop new drugs. It takes tens of billions to hundreds of billions of dollars to develop new drugs, and it takes 10 to 15 years to develop new drugs. This astronomical development cost and considerable time required, so pharmaceutical companies that develop new drugs adhere to expensive policies to recover costs. However, at the end of the 15-year patent period, generic drugs are developed and unlike propecia, research and development costs are only about hundreds of millions of won. 굿팜 핀페시아 600정 12만원 https://kr-goodpharm.co.uk/ development costs are much cheaper than Propecia because it costs little to recover in a timely manner. It is sold in the United States, Europe, Singapore, and Hong Kong and exported to 170 countries, so the quality is of advanced countries. Effect of Finpecia Finpecia's mechanism of action delays the progression of AGA (a cycle of hair) due to delayed progression of adult male hair loss. So non-adult men should not take finpecia. Finpecia is classified as Type II 5α-reducing enzyme inhibitor. Finpecia suppresses the acidity of DHT, which is the cause of AGA (the cycle of hair). Hair has a lifespan and cycle, so it is called a hair cycle. The cycle of losing old hair and creating new hair is repeated. The cycle of hair is divided into early, growing, and rest periods, usually six years. It has the longest growth period and makes hair long and thick. Thin hair, the main cause of AGA short-term (cycling of hair) is DHT (Dhydroestosterone), which has more DHT than usual on the thin-haired scalp. DHT is generated when the male hormone testosterone is converted by a 5α-reducing enzyme. When the generated DHT is combined with a DHT receptor present in the breastfeeding cell, it signals the hair in its growth phase and transfers it to a degenerator or tissue. As a result, the hair falls out before the long, thick hair becomes thin, thin, and short hair. Finpecia inhibits DHT production, inhibiting DHT production, and inhibits 5-reducing enzyme II. By inhibiting DHT fertility and bringing the hair cycle back to its original state to a certain extent, the hair in the waste season also grows into a thin hair growth period, which improves AGA (the cycle of hair). Finpecia method of application 1. Take one dose of Finpecia a day. If you take more than that, the effect will not change. 2. If possible, take it at a fixed time during the day. 3. Drink with water. Take it before or after meals at your convenience. 4. It usually starts to work if you take it for more than 6 months. Please take it continuously. 5. Hair loss may occur due to the suspension of the dose. 6. Finpecia is a male-only stroller, so do not take it for women or minors. 

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